Best Reverse Osmosis System 2018


Water is a vital component of a human’s body. Without it, we can’t possibly survive. Therefore, we need to have a regular intake of clean water. However, there are some areas in where access to potable water is quite impossible.

If you deem that you are living in these places, then you have to get the best reverse osmosis system.

There are various types of water filters that you can install on your home today. But as of now, the best choice you have are the reverse osmosis systems.

Many people are slowly switching to this water filter because of its efficiency in cleaning your drinking water thoroughly.

Of course, the demand for these filtration systems is steadily increasing. This is the reason why there is a ubiquitous sprout of various brands and manufacturers of this product.

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Well, at some point, you can say that this growth is a good thing. After all, it would mean that your choices wouldn’t be limited.

But at the same time, having too much choice can leave you confused. Several marketing pitches would convince you that their reverse osmosis system is the best.

However, we all know that any company can do this. Getting a bad product would give you a lot of headaches, considering that you spend a hefty amount of cash for it.

In this article, we will save you from such kind of trouble. We will present some of the top-rated reverse osmosis systems on the market today. Read on to discover them!

Best Reverse Osmosis Systems 2018


Product Name


Our Rating

Home Master TMHP HydroPerfection

Home Master TMULTRA Ultra

Home Master TMAFC Artesian

APEC Top Tier 5-Stage Reverse Osmosis System ROES 50

iSpring RCC7 WQA

iSpring RCC7AK

APEC Top Tier 6-Stage Ultra Safe (Essence ROES 75)

Global Water 5-Stage Reverse Osmosis System

Express Water 5 Stage Reverse Osmosis System

APEC Portable Countertop Reverse Osmosis Water Filter System

Best Reverse Osmosis System Buying Guide

Several indicators would tell if a reverse osmosis system is good for you or not. You have to pay attention to these details so that you can get the right filtration system for your home.


In the past, homeowners on using large water filters because they can exhibit powerful performance. But as technology improves all our home components today, the need for huge and bulky filtration system became less.

Most of the reverse osmosis systems today have a compact size. However, it doesn’t mean that their quality has decreased.

In fact, you can guarantee that small water filters can deliver a satisfying performance. Manufacturers arranged the necessary components properly so that they can improve the overall quality of the water filter.

Moreover, a small reverse osmosis system is easier to setup and install compared to their larger counterparts. They save a lot of space, too!

Cleaning Efficiency

The job of a reverse osmosis water filter is to clean your water. Specifically, it should be able to do a “deep cleaning.” As much as possible, you have to choose a system that can kill 99% of water contaminants. Otherwise, your health will still be in jeopardy.

Taste of the Water

Of course, you should never neglect the taste of the water after the filtration. Some water filters can do a thorough cleaning but the water they processed have a strange taste.

A quality water filtration system should not do that. Instead, it should be able to produce drinking water that you can enjoy.

If the reverse osmosis system you bought has a bad taste or smell, then you have to replace it. Your body might be too sensitive to drink such kind of water.

Choosing the Best Reverse Osmosis System for Your Home

This part is pretty tricky, considering that there we are talking about your home here. In our end, we could recommend all the water filters that we featured on this list.

However, we know that not all of them are suitable or compatible with the setup of your home.

If that’s the case, then how will you be able to get the right one for your abode? Here are some questions that could serve as a guide.

Where will you install the reverse osmosis system?

If you are planning to put the water filter inside a cabinet, then make sure that the latter can accommodate the entire system. Otherwise, you will be just wasting your money

Do you like the taste of your water?

Some of the reverse osmosis systems today comes with an extra stage to change the taste and odor of your water.

Do you know the pH level of your water?

It is also important that you have prior knowledge to your water’s pH level. If necessary, you have to test it. Specifically, you don’t want your family to drink water that is too acidic or basic. Moreover, you might need a reverse osmosis system that can put a balance to everything.

Water that has a pH level of 7 is tasty and healthy. It is one of the biggest reasons why many people are searching for a quality water filter.

Do you want extra accessories for your filter?

We highly recommend that you should choose a comprehensive water filtration system to ensure the cleanliness of your drinking water. Some of the accessories that you might need are the specialized filters and faucets.

Of course, every household has different preferences and requirements. A good water filter for a particular home might not work for another. After all, our water sources are different.

Therefore, it is only you that can judge which among these filters on our list can benefit you fully!

10 of the Best Reverse Osmosis Systems

1. Home Master TMHP HydroPerfection

Get it via Amazon .com

If we are talking about quality, then the Home Master TMHP HydroPerfection is second to none. This particular water filter is a complete system that can enhance the quality of your water.

Moreover, it comes with a specialized pump that increases its output up to 70 gallons per day.

At the same time, the pump also decreases the volume of water that you need to flush its membrane. As a result, the system can give you a guaranteed 1:1 ratio. Specifically, for every gallon of clean water, it only wastes 1 gallon of water, too.


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