Home Fishing



How to Hook a Shrimp Like a Pro

Have you ever tried using shrimp as your bait? If not, we are more than happy to guide you on how to hook a shrimp like an expert!

How To Put A Line On A Spinning Reel

How to put a line on a spinning reel? Check out this article for a step-by-step guide on how to do this basic fishing skill properly! Read on!

How To Keep Minnows Alive For Long Periods

Want to use minnows as baits, but you do not know how to preserve them? Luckily, we got the answer on how to keep minnows alive!

How to Catch Mullet in 5 Easy Ways

A lot of people are getting hooked with catching mullet. For some, they love to make a dish out of it. But for some, they use them as baits.

How to Catch Catfish in Lakes Using 3 Easy Ways

Have you ever wondered how to catch catfish in lakes? Well, we’ve got you covered with these three simple methods!

What Is The Best Time To Go Fishing?

Maximize your chances at getting that big catch by learning about the ideal fishing time, according to season and weather conditions.

10 Best Baitcasting Reels Buyer’s Guide

The best baitcasting reel can give you the freedom to handle different lures and fishing techniques. Find the best options for this tool here.

What Is The Best Fish Finder?

You may be like many anglers and wonder just how these amazing fishing devices you have heard of work. Here is some useful info about using a fish finder.

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