What Is The Best Fish Finder?

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The Importance Of Having A Good Fish Finder On Your Boat

Fishing is an amazing pastime to say the least. If you are like most people who fish you find it to be fun, challenging, relaxing and a great way to bond with family and friends. It also is a sport that takes skill, technique and can be very demanding at times.

There are so many types of fishing and each one will require you to master certain skills. The only problem is all the skill in the world will not matter if there is no fish in the area of a lake, river or ocean where you are fishing. That is why it is so important to have a good fish finder on your boat.

What is the best fish finder? That is an easy question to answer. It is a fish finder that is accurate and will get you to an area that has a large fish concentration in a hurry. A good fish finder will help you with such things as lure selection, line weighting and even help you determine what type of fish you are most likely to catch on a particular day.


How Does A Finder Work?

Via: Atunity.org

Via: Atunity.org

You may be like many anglers and wonder just how these amazing fishing devices you have heard of work. There is nothing magic about them they just use simple science to give you a better chance at having a successful fishing adventure.

They are a device that uses sonar waves to help you determine when fish are present. They have a receiver unit that is much like a computer screen that is placed near the pilot area of a boat and a transmitting unit (called the transducer) that is installed on the bottom of your boat under the water line.

When the fish finder is activated the transducer starts sending out sonar signals which are sound waves that will travel until they hit a solid object then reflect back. The timing of the reflected sound wave coming back is how size of an object and its distance away is determined. It is the same type of technology that the military uses to find enemy submarines.

The sound wave information that is reflected is then displayed on the screen that is mounted near the pilot area of the boat. Not only can this information help improve your fishing but it can also alert you to such hazards as rock outcroppings, shoals and rapid depth changes underneath your boat.

Here is some more useful info about using a fish finder:

Myths About Fish Finders

Via: Humminbird.com

Via: Humminbird.com

Here are a few common misconceptions about fish finders that you should know:

  • They will tell you what type of fish they are detecting

As we mentioned before the only thing that a fish finder will really indicate is the concentration of fish in an area and the approximate size of those fish.

It cannot tell you if they are bass, pike or salmon; but these things can be determined if you know the indigenous fish habits of the area you are fishing and combine that with the fish finder information.

  • They cannot be used in shallow water

This is a myth. Sonar is sonar. Whether the water your boat is in is shallow or deep the sonar will go down and hit an object and send that information back to you regardless of depth.

  • They don’t always work

Once again sonar is sonar. When a sound wave is sent out from the transducer it will travel until it hits something that will reflect the sound wave back.

A fish finder is not foolproof but it’s a pretty good bet that when you are getting small sonar hits there is fish under your boat. They are very accurate in a majority of the instances they detect the presence of fish.

What To Look For In A Fish Finder


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