The Best ViparSpectra LED Review: Its Top 3 Features And More!

Best ViparSpectra LED

Growing indoor plants like cannabis is a thing nowadays. Alongside their popularity is the growth of LED grows lights as well. Among them is the ViparSpectra LED. Check out the features of this device in this ViparSpectra LED review!

If you are planning to culture indoor plants, LED grow lights are necessary. Of course, the reason for this is very evident.

The plants are ensconced in a roofed building or structure. Therefore, the natural light won’t be able to penetrate. If you don’t have an alternative light source, your precious plants would not even grow.

Fortunately, LED grow lights are becoming more accessible as years pass by. Specifically, these devices can produce almost the same light spectrum that the sun generates.

Moreover, you can also adjust the focus and intensity of LED grow lights, which make them usable in the plant’s various growth stages.

ViparSpectra LED is one of the best grow lights that you can buy today. It possesses excellent features that would bolster the quality of the plant’s yield.

As long as you have this grow light, you can guarantee that your plants would grow sturdy, healthy, and green!


Things to Consider Before Buying a Grow Light

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Before we proceed to the full review of the ViparSpectra LED, let us discuss the key considerations in choosing a grow light first. You don’t want to get fooled by fancy marketing pitches, right?

Moreover, nobody wants to waste their money on low-quality components. This short but comprehensive buying guide will help your avoid those predicaments.

Honestly, choosing a grow light is not an easy thing. If you are new to these devices, then getting lost is surely inevitable. As we mentioned earlier, grow lights are different from LED or fluorescent fixtures.

Specifically, they are not the same as high-pressure sodium or metal halide lights that you can see in your hardware stores.

LED grow lights are not your usual day-to-day product. These are specialized planting accessory that is typically present in greenhouses and indoor farms. Furthermore, most of the grow lights today vary in sizes, heat load, and spectrum.

If you don’t know how all these aspects work, then there is a good chance that you will get the wrong LED light. But worry not. We will give you three things that you should look for a grow light. Here are they:


When choosing a grow light, make sure that it has an adjustable power. Otherwise, you will end up buying various LED lights to accommodate the different growth stages of the plant.

Each growth stage has a different light requirement. For example, seedlings require as much light as it needs. The seedling would extend and get leggy when there is an insufficient light because it is trying to find new energy sources.

But at the same time, you cannot just settle on using a high wattage LED light. Doing such will hurt your plant. Too much light generates excess heat. And heat would eventually shrivel and shrink your precious green buddies.

A good LED grows light will let you adjust its intensity. They can provide the appropriate amount of light without you changing their elevation.

Light Duration

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Most of the plants in the world are dependent on light for their growth. But it doesn’t mean that they need light all day. Many amateur farmers would constantly spout that indoor plants require 24 hours of sunlight exposure. That’s a complete absurdity. In fact, too much sun would make your plants dull.

Your green friends also require the dark for their spur their vegetative growth. Specifically, the ideal ratio is 20 hours (of light) to 4 hours (of dark). However, this still varies to the type of plant that you are growing.

When choosing for a grow light, make sure that it comes with an automatic timer. This feature will enable the grow light to switch on and off under your prescribed time.

Even if you are outside or traveling, you can guarantee that your plants are still getting the right amount of light.


It is hard to replicate the actual colors and properties of the natural sunlight. In fact, grow lights themselves are only 90% close. Fortunately, that is already sufficient to make your plants happy.

In choosing a grow light, ensure that it can generate a full-color spectrum. These types of LED grow lights are the best choice for the optimal development of the plant.

Of course, it should also contain the blue, red, UV, and IR lights as well! These essential light components would make sure that your green buddies will grow healthy!

ViparSpectra LED Review


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